Taking Radical Responsibility
Aug 30, 2023Today I wanted to talk to you about something that in all honesty may feel a little prickerly to read.
But please barewith me as this mindset shift could transform how you are operating in your life, relationships, habits, business, parenting, health, happiness, finances, career as well as so much more.
And it comes down to this.....you can be given all the wisdom in the world about a particular topic, for example wellness, business, being happy, creating abundance BUT if you don't do the work, implement the thing, put it into practice....nothing will change.
And we know this right?
So why don't we do the thing?
We start pulling out our excuses...I don't have the time, energy, money...I'm too tired, not in the mood, lifes too busy right now, when external circumstances calm down/change then I'll do the thing, when that person helps or supports me, I'm in too much pain, I don't deserve it, I will only fail anyway, I have no willpower, I can't stick to things....
and voila we have our reasons to not even try!
So we continue to experience the discomfort of our current situation, but it is OK because it simultaniously feels familiar and safe.
And here's the thing, if that is what you want then go for it but stop pretending you want something else or beating yourself for not implementing the things you tell yourself you should.
Own it, make that choice consciously and release the weight of feeling like you "should" make this change.
But if that is not what you want and this change you are trying to make feels really important to you then it is time to TAKE RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT & accept that it will be difficult at times but it will be worth it.
There will be days you don't want to meditate, exercise, show up in your business, eat healthy, do your morning routine, practice Reiki, or whatever the thing is for you....but when you take full ownership for your results, it's irrelevant, because you have committed to that thing and that's what you are doing regardless.
Now of course it is important to look at why you might be wanting to self sabotage and heal the wounds of the past but that is something that is seperate from you doing the thing.
And this is a muscle we get to build if we truly want change and guess what YOU ARE MORE THAN CAPABLE OF DOING DIFFICULT THINGS, after all staying in the same level of discomfort is often extremely difficult and painful.
And you will find that when you stick to what you said you wanted to do, you also get additional rewards as well. You begin to trust yourself, you like yourself more, you have more confidence and self respect, you believe in yourself and your ability to achieve what you put your mind too.
Your dreams grow, possibility opens up and life begins to feel like an exciting game that you get to play.
and like I say if you don't want change, that's OK too - just let it go!
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